When will my kids stop loving me?

when will my kids stop loving me heart in the sand picture

At the moment, I’m blessed. Or #feelingblessed if I’m going to be all Social Media about it. I am showered with affection. I’m kissed, licked, squeezed and squished (sometimes slightly inappropriately) near constantly. My kids clearly, demonstrably, love me.

But I know it will stop at some stage. They won’t want to climb all over me. They won’t want to wrap their sweaty, sticky little limbs around me. In short, my kids will stop loving me. But when? And can I stop it happening?

My kids are 5 and 7. Most of my friends have kids of a similar age. But I do occasionally see teenagers. And I noticed something about them. Something odd. Like something was missing.

I was buried under a tangle of my kids when I had my Eureka! moment. When I realised what it was. What was missing with teenagers.

Teenagers don’t climb all over their mums. They don’t hold their mum’s face between their hands and kiss it. They don’t hold their mum’s head, look into her eyes and say

I’ll love you forever….

..even when you’re dead

And they don’t leave sweet little love notes all around the house.

So when does it stop?

And can I stop the kids stopping?

I’ll have to admit that I’m mighty worried about this.

As regular readers will know, I’m a bit needy. I’ve struggled with the whole idea of Littlest Angel starting school, joining Big Boy who is two years older.

…Not because I was worried about her. No. Because I was worried about me.

What was I going to do all day without my little blonde chatterbox, my little blonde shadow? (Hence my starting this blog)

And now, nearing the end of her first academic year, I spend a lot of time coaxing conversation out of the two of them after school.

They’re busy kids. They’ve got lots of things to do. There’s football teams to write, Match Attax cards to sort, sort and sort again. There are handbags to be packed and unpacked. Teddies to be taught how to read and write.

I’ve got to really put in some serious hard yards now to get a whiff of attention. Hence, I concoct fun Science Experiments or do cooking with the kids.

But, you can guarantee that, as soon as I sit down on the sofa, I’ll be clambered all over. I’ll be kissed, squished, mauled and licked.

…and I bloody love it.

But I know my days are numbered.

When will my kids stop loving me?

So, they’re 5 and 7 now. And still all over me, licking me and telling me how much they love me.

But we already know that the affection tap will be turned off.

But when?

How many years have I got left of being the centre of their little universe?

They definitely won’t be clambering all over me when they’re teenagers. I know that already.

I know that the house will be silent. Punctuated by some surly grunts and the occasional slam of a bedroom door. And possibly a cheeky bit of….

It’s so unfair.

I didn’t ask to be born.

But I have a sneaking suspicion that it won’t change overnight. That I won’t wake on the morning of Big Boy’s 13th birthday to the sounds of silence.

…to a lack of kisses and slobbers and hugs.

Or at least I hope it won’t change overnight. I’ll need to be eased gently into life on the sidelines.

…into not being the centre of their universe

I don’t know when my kids will stop loving me.

Or whether the kids will stop loving me overnight.

But I do know that it will happen.

So I’m going to make sure that I take advantage of all their kisses, slobbers and cuddles while I can. Even on hot sweaty heatwave days.

So, come on kids, climb aboard, I’m ready to take all the lovin’ you’re willing to give.

(Do you have older kids? Have they stopped kissing, cuddling and loving you? Or have you uncovered the Secrets of How To Make A Big Child Love You? If so, please share. The world is dying to know! Let us know in the Reply box at the bottom of the page)

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  1. I struggled so much when my little one started nursery this year. I did not know with to do with myself. I was the mum crying in her car at drop off. I finally found a routine. she is such a daddy’s girl so when she gives me cuddles and says i love you mummy it makes my day. She has started saying i’m proud of you mummy and it makes my heart melt. someone said to me cherish the early years as they soon go and they wont want to know you soon ha. I hope that’s not true. #thesatsesh http://mummythomas.blog x

    1. I was so looking forward to having babies that I didn’t really think about them growing up. And becoming independent. And not needing me. (sniffs loudly into hankie). Thanks for popping by to comment

  2. I don’t think they’ll stop loving you as such – I think the demonstration of the love may change (maybe it will be in text for more as they grow older?! Photos over snapchat perhaps?! Having said that I see plenty of teens fairly cuddly with their parents at parents evenings and things (girls more than boys admittedly) as I think it is more socially acceptable these days…. Fingers crossed anyway! #thesatsesh xx

  3. my son is 20. He clearly still loves me, still loves coming home at weekends from uni. Ok i don’t get all that clambering and cuddling but i do get late night messenger conversations and calls asking for advice. Also the other day he thanked us for being true to ourselves and bringing him up the way we did – completely unprompted. There are definitely different little gems actions and signs that your kids use to demonstrate their love as they get older (although there may be a bit in the middle that might freakyou out a little xxx) Stay strong #brillblogpost