Why I’m Scared of the Internet and Social Media

As you’ll know, I’m a real newbie to the world of blogging, and to the world of the internet too, to a degree. Barring ordering groceries online and a bit of Amazon shopping every now and again, it doesn’t really impact my life. Or didn’t. But I know it will. And, dear Lord, that terrifies me!

However, I came across a really interesting article on a great blog, www.justsayingmum.com, the other day about Social Media. This beautiful blog (hers, not mine, obvs) is written by a mum of three teenagers and she regularly talks to the parents of younger children about their hopes and fears. And, surprise surprise, the biggest fear is of the impact of social media on their children. (….so it’s not just me who’s terrified then!)

Reading the article really highlighted to me that one of the reasons I decided to start a blog was to educate myself in the internet and social media. Rapidly approaching middle-age (why does that make me shudder no matter how many times I type it?), and no longer in the working world, I have largely been left behind by the world of the internet. Or, perhaps more accurately, I have chosen not to follow it.

I forgot both my Facebook username and password just before Big Boy was born and never bothered looking into getting it sorted out; haven’t got an Instagram account, nor even seen one actually; I was the first person in my previous company to tweet, did one tweet, never tweeted/twittered again. I just haven’t really been bothered by the internet – apart from for a bit of shopping and Whatsapp messaging my friends.

So, why now? Why have I decided that it’s so important to get internet-savvy now?

Well, Big Boy is 6 and Littlest Angel is 4, and they are largely unaware of social media, and live a relatively low-tech life. (In fact, my MIL says that she thinks they are very old-fashioned kids – I have been taking this as a compliment, but that might not be how she meant it!) We do have what I believe is called a games console – a PS4 (I think!) – but the kids call it “The Spotify Thing” as its sole use in our house is to play music. I do let the kids on the tablet sometimes: I let them ‘play’ with Mathletics and a BBC Italian language programme with such terribly basic and clunky visuals that I suspect even I could do better. And, to be honest, they are delighted when I say that they can ‘play’ Mathletics: they actually squabble over who gets first go!

But one day, and that day marches ever closer, they will discover the joys of the virtual world. And, with that joy comes danger. Or does it? Am I exaggerating? Over-dramatizing? The thing is: I don’t know. I don’t know because I don’t really know much about social media myself.

And that’s one of the reasons I started this blog: I need to get more high-tech to understand what the dangers are. And where they lurk. And, hopefully, develop the strategies to spot them and to deal with them.

As such, it was really interesting to read Helen’s article – 8 Tips on Social Media and Our Children. I’ll be taking Helen’s advice and keeping open lines of communication with the children whilst also looking out for out-of-character behaviour.

…and I’ll be continuing with my (slightly uphill) battle to get to grips with the internet and social media!

…come on, big World Wide Web, emptynestmummy is ready for you!

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