Follow the Balham to Tooting Bec Trail

Balham to Tooting Bec Trail map

Getting to know my local neighbourhood with the Balham to Bec Tooting Trail

….Or: the one in which the Empty Nest Mummy finally takes time to explore the history of Balham and Tooting

Now, I have history with Balham. A lot of it.

I’ve lived in Balham and Tooting for years now.

In fact, I’ve lived in the neighbourhood twice. The first time was when I was young, free and single. Footloose & Fancy Free Not-Yet-Mummy came to the area to rent a tiny tiny room a few years after University. And the tiny tiny room was so very very cheap that I stayed there for 4 years.

I returned to Balham years later, husband in tow and the twinkle of future babies in my eyes. And, despite moving houses several times, we never went north of Balham or south of Tooting Bec.

I need to tell you that because I’m ashamed. Ashamed that I know next to nothing about my adopted neighbourhood.

I live here. I love it here. But I know nothing about it.

Thankfully my knight in shining armour has arrived, courtesy of Neighbourhood Network SW17. And he comes bearing a self-guided tour of the area.

It’s called the Balham to Tooting Bec Trail

And I’m going to make use of my Empty Nest Mummy time, and stroll around my neighbourhood while the kids are at school.

Those who have read my early blogs will know that I was technically illiterate. It’s one of the reasons I started this blog.

Well, I remain technically illiterate. Or, at best, have graduated to technically semi-literate. So, if I’m going to do a self-guided walk, the technology has got to be simple. Really bloody simple.

And you know what?

It was! With the help of a friend, (let’s call her The Leggy Belgian Blonde) we were downloaded and ready for action!

There’s a handy map that you can download and print off before you get to Balham tube, where the walk starts. Or you can pick up a map from one of many local shops when you get there.

And for the podcast, you just need to download this from here. Easy peasy!

Then you simply press play and are taken on a leisurely stroll from Balham to Tooting Bec. And then cross the road and back again. As those annoying meerkats would say, simples.

The podcast is narrated by local residents with their own first-hand knowledge of the area. This adds a unique homely touch to it. It’s like some old friends have taken you by the arm and are leading you around their favourite haunts.

Balham to Tooting Bec in 18 stops

In total, there are 18 stops on the route, including the legendary Du Cane Court. Legendary in part because Hitler ordered it not to be bombed so it could be his HQ when he won London.

Perhaps chosen for its unusual shaped roof, just the perfect shape for a painted swastika. Or so my newly English, once Belgian, buddy Bazza says.

…but is it true?

…get the podcast and find out!

Balham to Tooting Trail stops at Du Cane Court

The legendary Du Cane Court.

On the Balham to Tooting Trail

St Mary & St John the Divine Church

The Polish Church on the Balham to Tooting Trail

Hugely popular, especially at Easter, the Polish Church, complete with statue of Pope John Paul II.

Balham Barnets hairdresser on the Balham to Tooting Trail

You’ll hear from long-time local residents, Tim and Lisa Booker, owners of Balham Barnets.

Upper Tooting Methodist Church

Upper Tooting Methodist Church

Robbie's Photography on the Balham to Tooting Bec Trail

Robbie’s Photography

The Trail & Balham

But don’t just come and listen to the history of Balham though. Stay a while, soak up the atmosphere.

Come and see what Balham is like now. And, while you’re at it, why not try one of the newest additions to Balham: the apple blue PATISSERIE?

The Apple Blue Patisserie in Balham

Almost hidden away right bedside Balham tube station, this hidden gem offers a tempting range of the most exquisite handmade cakes and pastries.

delightful pastries on the Balham to Tooting Trail

The Final Word

I really enjoyed spending just over an hour strolling through my neighbourhood. And, thanks to the Balham to Tooting Bec Trail, I now view it with fresh eyes.

For me, one of the highlights was ‘the final word’ by famous writer, comedian and (self-proclaimed) Mayor of Balham, Arthur Smith.

Resident here even longer than me, he talks about his love of Du Cane Court, where he lives, and of Balham in general.

Or, rather, of Bal Ham: Gateway to the South.

The Balham to Tooting Bec Trail with Kids

A really straightforward walk, this is easily do-able with kids in tow. The only reason I didn’t bring mine is because they were at school.

Next time though, I will bring them along, give them some headphones each and let them enjoy the history of Balham.

I think they’ll be enthralled. And, if I need to distract them, I’ll let them do the I Spy game at the bottom of the map.

…and then promise them a pretty little cake of their choice at the end.


(Do stay a while to peek a little longer into the Empty Nest. And join our free mailing list to make sure you don’t miss out on any new blog posts, recipes and ideas)



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