How I handled my Fussy Eater Kids

various coloured tomatoes

Empty Nest Mummy As the kids were tucking into Smoked Mackerel Pate last night, I gave myself a little pat on the back. Actually, I gave myself a huge smug pat on the back. Aged 6 and 4, they now eat a fairly wide and varied diet and regularly try new things. But it hasn’t […]

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Pancake Day: Blueberry American Pancakes

blueberry pancake topped with fruit

Empty Nest Mummy We’re not big pancake eaters in our house. In fact, we only make them once a year, then the kids try them, hate them and they end up in the bin. All change now though as we have discovered thicker, less eggy, American pancakes. And they are delicious! And, if you add […]

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