A Face-Painting Frenzy & 3 Lovely Recipes to Try This Weekend

I held what can only be described as a Face-Painting Frenzy at home this morning.

A bunch of school mums came over after drop-off to bag up sweets and to learn face-painting for a school Valentine’s disco.

When the box of face paints, and general face paint paraphenalia, was dropped off to me yesterday, I was like a kid in a sweetshop. The box was a veritable treasure trove, full to the brim of iridescent face paints of all colours, unicorn, crown, mermaid and princess stencils, face glitter, sponges, brushes, paint sticks. I was nearly hyper-ventilating with excitement – a sure sign that I need to get out more, I am well aware.

As we had all dropped our infants off at school, we didn’t have any faces to practice on so ended up with arms covered in double-dip petal leaves, swirls, Spiderman web and tiger stripes.

And, I’m almost ashamed to admit how much fun I had. Would it be too sad to buy my own facepaints? Well, too sad to buy my own facepaints and spend all day painting my arms?

Thankfully, I have a couple of quick and easy recipes for lunch and tea to hand. This will save me enough time so I can continue ‘perfecting’ my face-painting!

I might dig out our tried and tested Posh Fish Fingers recipe for the kids for tea tonight.

Then perhaps a Panzanella Salad (a really delicious Tuscan Tomato & Bread Salad) for lunch tomorrow.

Or maybe a Curly Kale & Quinoa Salad with goat’s cheese and apple.

from www.emptynestmummy.com

Whichever I do, they’re both quick, easy and delicious, leaving me free to pursue my new hobby: face-painting!

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  1. I like the flowers on your arm. Keep practising and you’ll be in great demand by schools and charities for fund raising events!!
    Gill x